Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hannah S. {Senior Rep} 2015

Melissa Anne Photography's 2015 Senior Rep~ Hannah S. from Kearsley High School in Flint, MI. 

It was awesome spending some time with Hannah this weekend.  Hannah is a sweet, smart and stunning young lady who made her photo session so much fun!  We choose a couple places for her photos in Flint, MI.  Spring has definitely sprung and the mosquitoes made it a little difficult to get the job done, but mosquitoes be darned, we got it done and done pretty well! Her Mom came along and helped with posing and keeping her hair just perfect!  I am pleased with the entire session and look forward to our next one!! 

If you are interested in a Senior Session, please visit my website for more information here.  Or you can contact me at melissa@photographybymelissac.com or 810.449.6964.

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